Una página de error 404 (página no encontrada) es básica en cualquier sitio web algo profesional.
En la página Codrops
they do a “countdown” of the 10 reasons to adopt HTML5 and accessibility is the first. Specifically it says:
HTML5 simplifies the creation of accessible pages for two main reasons: semantics and ARIA. New HTML headers (some already available) such as <header>, <footer>, <nav>, <section>, etc. they allow screen readers to access content more easily. Before screen readers had no way of determining what one was
determined or even if it had an assigned ID or class. With the new semantic tags, screen readers can better examine HTML documents by offering a better experience to their users.
The ARIA is a W3C specification used primarily to assign "roles" to elements in an HTML document - primarily by creating important landmarks on pages: header, footer, navigation, or article, via the attribute role. So far it has been ignored and infringed mainly because it was not valid but HTML5 already validates it. In addition, HTML5 will incorporate roles that can be overwritten making this role assignment trivial. For more detailed information on HTML5 and ARIA please visit the WAI.
Full article in English with the 10 reasons to adopt HTML5 on the Codrops page.
Una página de error 404 (página no encontrada) es básica en cualquier sitio web algo profesional.
Una página de error 404 (página no encontrada) es básica en cualquier sitio web algo profesional.
Uno de los elementos más versátiles (y peligrosos) de las nuevas versiones de CSS son los pseudo-elementos :before y :after que, utilizados junto con la propiedad content, nos permiten añadir...
Uno de los elementos más versátiles (y peligrosos) de las nuevas versiones de CSS son los pseudo-elementos :before y :after que, utilizados junto con la propiedad content, nos permiten añadir...