The World Health Organization (WHO) has published a…
Today, 28 January, is European Data Protection Day, a sensitive issue that is of increasing concern to those of us who surf the internet and fill out forms and forms with personal data. It also worries those who leave data written on paper documents or any other medium.
As explained on the website of Catalan Data Protection Authority We all have the fundamental right to the protection of our personal data, which means being able to control what is done with this data. This means knowing who has information about us, what this information is, where it comes from, for what purpose the data is and to whom it is provided, as this is information that does not belong to the person who manages it, but to the owner of the data".
This website also details where the legal obligation comes from: “The right to the protection of personal data derives from article 18 of the Spanish Constitution and is recognized in article 31 of the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia ”.
The Catalan Data Protection Authority is an independent authority that ensures that the entities that process our data respect the right to the protection of personal data. From this institution, they also inform people about their rights, how they are exercised and what they can do if they are not respected.
Citizens have understood that the protection of our rights is necessary and therefore that we also need legislation and bodies that ensure compliance with them and also the obligations that companies and administrations have, with regard to the protection of their rights. our data.
Are we on the same page when it comes to accessibility?
Unfortunately we can say no. There is still not enough knowledge on the subject, nor is the idea of the need to comply with it so widespread, although there are several regulations that require it.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has published a…
The World Health Organization (WHO) has published a…
The World Health Organization (WHO) has published a…
Segons l'informe publicat aquest passat Desembre per la International Telecommunication Union (ITU), la agència de les Nacions Unides especialitzada en informació i tecnologies de la…