We usually find that there is a false belief. Many people believe that web accessibility is only beneficial for blind people who use screen readers but this is not true.
The Internet has not always been accessible to everyone, as sometimes there have been people with some kind of disability who were prevented from viewing the content offered on the Web. Because of all this, over the years it has improved in terms of accessibility for this group of users, whether through subtitles or other elements that help to better understand what was being displayed on a website. In order to achieve this integration, WCAGs were created as the standard for designing a website.
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines are developed through the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) process, an international body responsible for providing a single, shared standard that meets people's needs. , organizations and governments internationally in order to standardize web technologies such as HTML, XHTML, CSS and WCAG.
WCAG documents explain how to make web content more accessible to people with disabilities. Web content generally refers to information that can be found on a web page or application, which includes:
We usually find that there is a false belief. Many people believe that web accessibility is only beneficial for blind people who use screen readers but this is not true.
Now, with the arrival of summer, the spread of all types of tourism is present everywhere, and fortunately also, more and more, of accessible tourism for everyone.
In recent weeks, some members of the TothomWeb team have been working hard to create the ‘Zapatillas y Sneakers’ website @ZapasySneakers, an online magazine for enthusiasts of these products and…