The World Health Organization (WHO) has published a…
New student profiles: two generations of seniors in the classrooms of senior university training programs
University of Girona. Virtual meeting
Next Thursday, September 17, we will participate in the "interactive round table on the elderly, education and new technologies" that will take place in the framework of this day organized by the University of Girona.
David Sabaté, CEO of TOTHOMweb, will talk about the following issues:
Below you can consult the program of the day.
Confirmations of attendance until September 15.
12pm Meeting of the senior programs working group
4pm Greeting
Sílvia Llach, Vice-Rector for Territory and Social Commitment at the University of Girona.
4.30pm Older people and lifelong learning
Salomó Marquès, pedagogue and lecturer in the Department of Pedagogy at the University of Girona
6pm Interactive round table on the elderly, education and new technologies
Rosa Torrijos, director of the Altaveu Creatiu agency
David Sabaté, manager of Tothomweb:
Presentation and moderation: Guillem Alsina, journalist and director of the Association of New Technology Companies of Girona (AENTEG).
8pm Virtual route through Girona “Flower Time”
The World Health Organization (WHO) has published a…
The World Health Organization (WHO) has published a…
The World Health Organization (WHO) has published a…
Segons l'informe publicat aquest passat Desembre per la International Telecommunication Union (ITU), la agència de les Nacions Unides especialitzada en informació i tecnologies de la…