
Avui reivindiquem els drets de les dones, especialment al sector TIC i els de les dones amb discapacitat.

Ho fem en aquesta data internacional que serveix per cridar l’atenció sobre tot el...


En utilitzar aplicacions mòbils o pàgines web, hi ha diferents maneres d'interactuar-hi, ja sigui mitjançant un punter, mitjançant un teclat, realitzant desplaçaments per la pantalla, agitant el...


A few years ago we talked in an article about the accessibility of CSS-generated content using...


Actualmente los dispositivos móviles, tanto con el sistema operativo Android como con el de iOS, pueden ser utilizados por personas con alguna discapacidad, ya sea motriz, auditiva o visual.


TOTHOMweb collaborates with the entrepreneurship department of Barcelona Activa and we are pleased to invite you to participate in the session on Web Accessibility that we will do next Friday,...


Today, mobile applications are part of our daily lives and also that of people with disabilities or the elderly.

These and many other groups are users of websites but also of mobile...


The Internet has not always been accessible to everyone, as sometimes there have been people with some kind of disability who were prevented from viewing the content offered on the Web. Because of...


September 23 is the international day of sign languages.

Catalan sign language, commonly known by the acronym LSC, is the language of the deaf and deafblind people who are signatories of...


Every July 17, the networks celebrate World Emoji Day. These icons have become a language used around the world and easy to understand. We use them to express emotions, feelings and describe our...


January 27th is Community Manager’s Day and June 30th is Social Media Day and from TOTHOMweb we want to take a look at the most used accessibility options.

Making content accessible...